Talay Logistics Romania Srl

Turkey Hall: A Booth: F11

Cu experienta de peste 10 ani si peste 5000 de unitati proprii de transport, Talay logistics oferă soluții de transport rutier, intermodale si maritime personalizate care sunt suficient de flexibile pentru a răspunde nevoilor diverse ale diferitelor industrii, aliniindu-se in același timp obiectivelor globale de sustenabilitate. Obiectivul nostru este reducerea emisiilor de CO2 cu peste 100 000t!

With over 10 years of experience and more than 5,000 own transport units, Talay Logistics offers customized road, intermodal, and sea freight solutions that are flexible enough to meet the diverse needs of various industries, while aligning with global sustainability goals and corporate social responsibility initiatives. reducing CO2 emissions by 100 000 tones in 2025 is our ambitious goal!



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