C.N. Administratia Porturilor Maritime S.A. Constanta

Romania Hall: A Booth: D7

Portul Constanta este un port maritim public-privat detinut de Statul Roman care raspunde de reglementarea si functionarea acestora. Compania Nationala „Administratia Porturilor Maritime” S.A. Constanta (MPA) este o societate aflata sub autoritatea Ministerului Transporturilor si Infrastructurii, care desfasoara activitati de interes public national in calitatea sa de administratie portuara.

The Port of Constanta is a public-private maritime port owned by the Romanian State which is responsible for their regulation and function. The National Company "Maritime Ports Administration" S.A. Constanta (MPA) is a company under the authority of the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure, to develop activities of national public interest in its capacity of port administration.

