XPO Transport Solutions Romania
Romania Hall: A Booth: E2
XPO Logistics este un furnizor de top de solutii logistice inovatoare, durabile si complete, cu acoperire Europeana si care are ca obiectiv sa se diferentieze prin oferirea de solutii competitive intr-un mediu aflat intr-o continua schimbare. XPO Logistics isi sustine partenerii in a dezvolta lanturi de aprovizionare inteligente si in a gestiona provocarile procesului de decarbonizare.
XPO Logistics is a leading provider of innovative and sustainable end-to-end logistics solutions across Europe. XPO Logistics aims to offer differentiating and competitive solutions in an increasingly competitive environment, to make supply chains more agile and to design and maintain sustainable supply chains to meet the challenge of decarbonising the activities of its customers.
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