GP Intermodal
Romania Hall: A Booth: C1
GP Intermodal S.A. este o societate română cu capital integral privat ce are ca obiect principal de activitate manipularea mărfurilor (încărcare-descărcare, transbordare, transvazare) din și în mijloace de transport cf sau auto, putând oferi adiacent servicii de depozitare și gestionare a mărfurilor, precum și servicii de intermediere a transporturilor, inclusiv pentru mărfuri periculoase.
SC GP Intermodal SA is a company with integral private social capital, having as main object of activity the loading-unloading service in / from cars and in / from wagons, goods management services and transhipment of goods from wagons to railway stations in Romania's state borders, as well as activities for the intermediation of transport services, including dangerous goods.
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